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What you decide to feed your baby during the first 15 days of introduction to solid food, more commonly known as the “weaning period”, is an important decision for any mother. A typical problem for expat mums is that they may not be able to get hold of the typical baby food from their home country […]

It was this Facebook post, and many like it around the internet, that first brought my attention to this ongoing debate. The June edition of Elle magazine sparked controversy this month as there were two printed versions of the front cover. One for general release, showed model Nicole Trunfio holding her baby son, while the […]

  Binge drinking is a growing problem among youths in many countries. Naturally, the finger of accusation is more often than not directed towards the parent. This has sparked a number of debates and studies into the effects of allowing your children to drink alcohol, even sips here and there, under parental supervision. Drinking is very […]

Johnnie Lawson posted his video of a waterfall on the River Bonet, in County Leitrim Ireland, on YouTube on July 2nd 2013. The video has been viewed 7.7 million times meaning that the world’s population has spent almost 60 million hours listening to the tranquil sounds of water to try and fall asleep. Judging by […]

Sexual health. For some people the mere mention of it is enough to send a shiver down their spine. For expats, while still suffering from the same fears about getting tested, enjoy the added frustration of having to learn the ins and outs of a new health system, navigating where to go, who to talk […]

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