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Public health campaigns stress the importance of identifying and treating a stroke as quickly as possible. The more time that passes the greater the likelihood of permanent damage or death. Despite campaigns to raise awareness, 1 in 5 American women can’t identify a single warning sign, according to a study published this week in the […]

The annual Global Gender Gap report has named Iceland as the best country in which to be a women, with the narrowest gap between men and women. Iceland has maintained its number one position for the past four years. Finland is in second place, with Norway and Sweden in third and fourth respectively. Fifth place […]

Insurance coverage for maternity care is mandatory in most individual and small group plans under the Affordable Care Act, extending this coverage where it used to be rare. However, for mums-to-be who prefer the services of midwives and birthing centres there are no guarantees. Around 1 percent of births occur outside a hospital in the […]

Studies show carbonated soft drinks are the biggest single source of calories in the American diet, accounting for seven percent of calories – adding non-carbonated soft drinks brings the total to nine percent. Referred to as ‘liquid candy’ by public health officials, studies show most boys get 15 spoonfuls of sugar a day, and girls […]

We are lucky enough to have many expat mums share their pregnancy and birth stories with us, but this time we asked for a father’s perspective. Mike Stuart, a British chef now living in Australia is the proud dad of Georgina, born in October last year. Mike’s story Having grown up in Manchester, UK, I […]

The Netherlands is the number one country in the world for having a nutritious, affordable, and plentiful diet. According to a new food database from Oxfam International, the Dutch diet beats Swiss and French food into second place, partly thanks to its emphasis on dairy produce and vegetables. European countries make up the top 20, […]

The second annual World Happiness Report was released towards the end of last year, identifies the happiest countries in the world by looking at a range of criteria. Leading experts in several fields – economics, psychology, survey analysis, national statistics, and more – describe how measurements of well-being can be used to assess the progress […]

Employees sent abroad with their families are the most likely expatriate group to access healthcare abroad, according to a new survey from the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC). Over 90% of families on assignment access care, compared with 64% of single expats. Unsurprisingly, expats with families who either move with them or stay at home […]

Now is the time of year many expats will be thinking about travelling to see family for the holidays. Travelling even relatively short distances can play havoc with your body-clock, eating habits (airport food at 5am anyone?), and your overall well-being. If you’re flying long-haul then, unless you bring your own meals, you are at […]

In a UNICEF survey, the Netherlands has been ranked as the best country for overall child well-being. The Netherlands was placed first in three out of the five categories studied. The report looks at a total of five aspects of child well-being in 29 industrialized nations: material well-being, educational well-being, behaviour and risks, health and […]

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