Posts Tagged ‘women’s health’
There are several obvious diseases which attack women and not men, illnesses affecting female genitalia such as ovarian cancer, for example, do not affect men for obvious reasons. People associate other diseases, such as breast cancer, with women much more than with men (though they can get it too). However, some often overlooked diseases are […]
International health experts have called for worldwide access to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, screening tests and treatment as the primary preventative measure against cervical cancer. There are currently two vaccines available which protect women against the two most common strains of HPV (16 and 18) which cause 70% of cervical cancers.
International Women’s Day may have passed, but the messages do not. One prevalent health warning surfaced; cardiovascular diseases are on the rise amongst young women. The European Cardiology society is alerting women that they may be at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) than they think. CVDs include heart diseases, strokes and heart attacks.
Today is World Book Day, and in honour of this auspicious event we have decided to take a look at five health books which have made an impact on readers. The books included on this list represent the wide spectrum of health literature available. Have you read any of these? Let us know which health […]
The United States is one of 23 countries where maternal mortality is rising. According to a WHO report, Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2010, the rate in the U.S. is rising along with countries such as Zimbabwe and Costa Rica. This could be about to change as the Affordable Care Act comes into effect […]
The type and frequency of health screenings for a woman varies depending on her age. As expat women, raising a family and coping with living abroad can mean health tests take a backseat. So what type of screening is recommended for when? A common misconception is that women’s health is limited to gynecology and obstetrics. […]
As an expat I am sure you are familiar with the struggle of finding healthcare abroad. The differences in language, cultural norms and even different names for your medication can make getting the right treatment difficult. It’s not surprising that many people turn to the Internet to find an easy diagnosis before they reach out […]
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